Trellising Cucumbers and Harvesting Onions
April 21st, 2021
Our cucumbers were trellised this week to give them space to sprawl vertically while they produce fruit. Like our snap peas, cucumbers produce specialized leaves called tendrils that can wrap around solid objects (like our trellis) to provide support for the plant as it grows. The trellising for the summer doesn’t stop there as we’ll eventually be adding support for our climbing beans, peppers, and eggplant. Since the farm is prone to strong winds, this will help all of our vining and upright crops have a better support system. And in the case of our vining and climbing crops, it will make it much easier to harvest!

The green beans are just about ready for the first harvest. Though we’re starting to see the first beans of harvesting size this week, we’ll most likely be making our first official harvest next week as more beans mature. This first succession of green beans is a variety called “Jade”. It is a classic green bean with long, slender pods that are tender and sweet. We plan on having multiple successions of beans throughout the spring and summer so once our green beans are done for the season we’ll have Bai Bu Lao pole beans ready for harvest followed by Chinese noodle beans.

New to the harvesting lineup this week is our lettuce mix and bulb onions. Our lettuce mix, made up of a few different leaf and head lettuces, will be available in bags making it salad-ready. As for our onions, they are a yellow onion variety called “Madalyn”. These onions are relatively mild and sweet and they make the perfect base for a multitude of recipes. Or, if you want to enjoy them on their own, you can make a batch of French onion soup or caramelize them for burgers, tacos, or salads.

If you’re out and about and want to support restaurants that are using our produce, check out Better Luck Tomorrow and Squable.