Harvesting Summer Squash and the First Tomatoes
April 28th, 2021
Summer squash is officially in season! We made the first harvest of our patty pan squash last week and will most likely be harvesting the first of our Korean King Ka Ae squash this week. Our patty pan squash is an heirloom variety called Patisson Golden Marbre Scallop. It has a beautiful and bright golden-orange hue and so far the plants have been very productive. The flesh is tender and mildly sweet and the shape makes it perfect for stuffing and baking. You’ll be able to pick up these beautiful squashes at the farm stand this Saturday from 10am to noon.

Carrying along with the golden-hued vegetable theme, we’re starting to harvest our Sungold cherry tomatoes. The first couple of harvests are often on the smaller side as the first mature fruits begin to trickle in. But, the wait will certainly be worth it as these tomatoes are incredibly delicious and sweet! We’ll have limited quantities available this Saturday so make sure you show up early if you’d like to snag some.

We planted another succession of eggplant last week in anticipation of the summer season. We have three different varieties in the ground: Black Beauty (a standard purplish-black eggplant), Rosa Bianca (a variegated white and light purple Italian variety), and Money Maker (a slender purple Asian variety). Our first succession is just starting to develop buds so we should start seeing the flowers opening and fruits forming over the next few weeks.