
A New Team Member and the First Melons

June 9th, 2021

We’re delighted to introduce you to our newest farmer, Alex Serrao! Originally from the Northeast, Alex farmed for five years in that region before making her way down to the Houston area. She was drawn to Houston to learn more about the climate and year-round growing season. Farmer Alex begins this week, stepping in to fill the space left by Farmer Josh as he moves on to another Agmenity farm. Both Farmers Kim and Alex are excited to be part of an all-female farming team and are eager to grow food for the community!

Now that we’ve had a few days without rain, we’ve been able to tackle the most arduous of farming tasks: weeding. While hand-weeding our melons, we noticed the first fruits on the vine! We’re growing Sugar Baby watermelons and Arava melons. Arava is a type of tropical Galia melon that has a netted yellowish skin and green flesh. After falling in love with their aroma and sweetness last summer, we knew we had to include these incredibly delicious melons in our crop plan this year. Farmer Kim estimates that we are about six weeks away from the first melon harvest.

We added a trellis system for our long beans this week and they are already beginning to make the vertical climb. We expect that they will begin flowering and setting fruit within the next week or two. Chinese long beans, sometimes referred to as yardlong beans, asparagus beans, or snake beans, produce edible pods that can reach up to 18 inches in length. The crisp and tender pods can be enjoyed just as you would a standard green bean.

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