Planting Fall Crops and Harvesting Tatsoi
September 30th, 2021
Who’s ready for some fall vegetables?! Several different fall crops were transplanted over the last week to join our Monty broccoli. Song cauliflower, a more heat-tolerant variety, was planted in addition to White Russian kale, Green Glaze collard greens, and Jericho lettuce. Though there’s still a bit of a wait when it comes to the broccoli and cauliflower, the leafy greens will be ready before you know it. We plan on harvesting some of the kale in the baby stage for you to enjoy.

The melons we direct-seeded in the high tunnel are doing very well. They’re currently taking up the back half of the high tunnel and will be using every bit of that space as their vines begin to grow and sprawl. The front half of the high tunnel was cleared and renovated in preparation for planting more fall tomatoes and Bai Bu Lao pole beans. We grew these beans during the summer and loved them so much that we decided to plant one more succession this year.

We’ll have a new leafy green for you at the farm stand this Saturday: Tatsoi! This leafy green resembles spinach in appearance but is actually a member of the vast Brassica family. The leaves of Tatsoi have a buttery soft texture and a mild flavor that is both sweet and mustardy. It’s incredibly versatile in the kitchen as it can be eaten raw in salads or substituted in any recipe calling for spinach. If you’d like to try some, come see us at the farm stand on Saturdays from 10am-noon or on Wednesdays from 4-6pm.