
Bidding Farewell to Some of our Summer Crops

November 4th, 2021

We noticed that some of our Napa cabbages are in the beginning stages of forming their heads! In the early stages of growth, cabbages produce large, broad leaves like you see in the photo below. Eventually, the inner leaves will begin to curl inwards and grow tightly together to form the cabbage head. We have both green and red Napa cabbage varieties planted. We’re hoping to be able to make the first harvest in the next few weeks.

The cooler weather that arrived this week means we must bid farewell to some of our remaining summer crops. Each crop has its own seasonality and while we’re able to keep summer crops around for much longer here than in northern growing zones, eventually there comes a time when they must make their way out of season. This is the last week you’ll be able to find the following veggies at the farm stand: yellow squash, cucumbers, hot peppers, and sweet peppers. Make sure to come stock up at the farm stand on Saturday from 10am-noon!

We did a big round of seeding in the greenhouse last week and we’re already seeing really good germination with what we’ve planted. Germination is a term for the process of a planted seed developing after being in dormancy. Upon germinating, the first leaves to appear are the cotyledons (like you see in these Merlot cabbage plants below). Here are some other delicious varieties that are germinating in the greenhouse: Kohlrabi, Barese chard, Cegolaine lettuce, Belstar broccoli, and Amazing cauliflower.

Currently In Season: Cherry Tomatoes, Slicer Tomatoes, Broccoli, Kale, Tokyo Bekana, Arugula, Lettuce, Hakurei Turnips, Shishito Peppers, Padron Peppers, Jalapeno Peppers, Poblano Peppers, Eggplant, Yellow Squash, Cucumbers, and White Icicle Radishes

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