Join us at the Splash Bash Market
We’re harvesting up a storm to make sure we have plenty of delicious veggies for you at the farm stand! This Saturday, May 21st, the farm stand will be set up alongside the Splash Bash, an event hosted by Jordan Ranch’s Lifestyle Team. There will be water activities for kids, 20 local vendors, a food truck, and of course, our farm-fresh veggies and flowers! The Splash Bash takes place during the same hours as our farm stand, 9am-noon. We’d love to see you there!

Harvesting spring crops means more space for summer crops! This week, we planted Sugar Baby watermelons (pictured above) and Asian eggplant. We don’t know about you, but we’re always excited to see watermelons back in the field! They’re definitely one of our favorite summer treats and we can’t wait to share them with you. We hope to begin harvesting the first watermelons about 2 months from now. In the meantime, we’ll make sure to keep you updated on their growth!

Stay tuned for some brand new veggies coming on next week! Both our winter squashes and tomatillos will be ready for harvesting in the next several days. Tomatillos (pictured above) are an interesting crop to harvest because the telltale sign of ripeness is when the exterior husk splits open. Our winter squashes on the other hand are ready for harvesting when the skin has toughened and doesn’t yield when pressed with a fingernail. We’ll be harvesting Delicata (pictured below) and Spaghetti squashes.

In Season at the Farm Stand: Green Beans, Zucchini, Cousa Squash, Yellow Squash, Cucumbers (pickling & slicers), Tomatoes (slicers & cherries), Carrots, Beets, Kohlrabi, Scallions, Leeks, Collard Greens, Kale, Basil, and Flower Bouquets