Enjoying Summer Crops and Looking Ahead to Fall
Though the urge to lean into all things fall might be strong as soon as September hits, we still have many delicious summer crops available on the farm! We’re growing a new variety of cucumber for you in the high tunnel called Summer Dance. It’s a Japanese burpless variety that yields long, dark green cucumbers. It’s just starting to set female blossoms (which you can see in the photo above) so we should be harvesting them for you very soon! Aside from these cucumbers, the high tunnel is planted with other delicious late summer crops like beans and peppers. If you’re curious what is currently in season at the farm stand, check out the list at the bottom of this post!

We’re planting a new squash variety for you this week: Tromboncino. It is a long and thin squash with a bulbous appearance on the blossom end (sort of like a stretched out butternut). The seeds are concentrated at the base so the long neck is supposed to be denser and less watery with a more complex and nutty flavor. Since Tromboncino squashes are a moschata species, they produce a solid stem rather than a hollow one which tends to be more resistant to the destructive squash vine borer. We can’t wait to share these delicious squashes with you!

The greenhouse is teeming with life as the seeds we’ve planted for fall have begun to germinate and grow. At this point, the greenhouse is nearly full! We hope you’re as excited as we are for the return of fall crops. Here’s what you can look forward to as the weather cools down: cabbage (pictured above), Swiss chard, collard greens, kale, scallions, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, beets (pictured below), and flowers for fall bouquets.

In Season at the Farm Stand: Spaghetti Squash, Egyptian Spinach, Roselle Greens, Sweet Peppers, Jalapenos, Habanada Peppers, Fresno Peppers, Cayenne Peppers, Okra, Armenian Cucumbers, Zucchini, Watermelons, Long Beans, Italian Eggplant, Asian Eggplant, and Sunflower Bouquets.