Planting for the Fall Season
Fall planting continued this week with kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, and Swiss chard going in the ground. Since this first succession of fall crops will most likely experience warmer temperatures than later ones, we’re starting with varieties that can handle the warmth like our trusty Monty broccoli and Song cauliflower (pictured above). We’re optimistic that we’ll have the first broccoli and cauliflower for you in early to mid-November! As for leafy greens like kale or Swiss chard, we’ll have them for you much earlier in the next 3 or so weeks.

We’re harvesting a new eggplant variety for you: Calliope. It’s an Indian eggplant with a smaller, oval shape and beautiful purple and white striped fruits. Calliope (pictured below) has a firm, meaty texture and mildly sweet flavor that is great for curries or stir-fries. We highly recommend pairing these eggplants with some of our summer greens and peppers in a Thai or Indian-inspired curry like this one!

This has been an amazing year for our peppers! In years past, we’ve sown a separate fall succession of peppers but this year, our plants are still going strong in the high tunnel! As we find ourselves still harvesting an abundance of sweet peppers, we highly encourage you to stop by the farm stand and pick some up! Peppers are a great veggie to preserve, whether it’s through dehydration, canning, or pickling. Farmer Alex recommends stocking up on sweet peppers, roasting them, and freezing them for later use. You can read about the roasting process here.

In Season at the Farm Stand: Butternut Squash (limited), Okra, Asian Eggplants, Italian Eggplants, Cucumbers, Sweet Peppers, Roselle Greens, Egyptian Spinach, and Zinnia Bouquets.
Coming Soon: Arugula and Radishes