Special Thanksgiving Pre-Orders
We’re offering a special pre-order option for our farm-fresh produce this Thanksgiving! We’ll gather the items you want and have them ready for you next Tuesday, November 22nd. This is a great way to save some time shopping and incorporate locally grown veggies into your holiday meal! You can choose from any of the items in our “in season” list at the bottom of this post. If you’d like to place an order, email us at JordanRanch@Agmenity.com with a list of what you’d like along with the quantities. Make sure to put “Thanksgiving Pre-Order” in the subject line and send it to us no later than Tuesday morning.

Broccoli and cauliflower just made their way back into season! This is the first of many successions of broccoli and cauliflower that will be harvested throughout the fall and winter months. Since both of these are typically a “single-cut” crop, we space out plantings of them in order to ensure a fairly steady supply. How do you like to eat these delicious members of the brassica family? Farmer Alex loves to roast broccoli and enjoy it with pasta. She recommends combining pasta with ricotta, lemon, herbs, and roasted broccoli for a simple and delicious meal.

Our onions starts just arrived and we can’t wait to plant them! An onion start (pictured below) is a small, bare-root onion plant that has already been started from seed. We’ll be planting a mix of yellow, white, and red onions in our prepared beds for a spring harvest. Since we’ll have some starts left over, we’ll be offering small bundles of them at the farm stand for $3 each beginning this weekend. Onions are a great addition to your home garden because they’re fairly easy to grow. And, we’re more than happy to offer you some planting tips when you stop by to pick up your starts from the farm stand!

In Season at the Farm Stand: Beets, Salad Radishes, Watermelon Radishes, Broccoli, Cauliflower (limited), Dragon’s Tongue Beans (limited), Scallions, Roselle, Bok Choy, Kale, Cabbage, Napa Cabbage, Collard Greens, Salad Mix, Arugula, Sweet Peppers, Eggplant, Cilantro, and Dill.