
Potting Up Tomatoes and Harvesting Salad Mix

It’s already time to pot-up our tomatoes! “Potting-up” is a process that involves removing the seedlings from their trays and replanting them in larger four-inch pots. This allows more space for their roots to develop and prevents them from getting root-bound. Our goal is to plant our high tunnel tomatoes in mid-February and our field tomatoes in early March. If you want to add tomatoes to your garden this spring, we’ll have plenty of extra transplants for sale at the farm stand in March!

potted up tomatoes in the greenhouse

Salad mix is making its way back into season this week! This is one of the many quicker-growing crops we seeded in our high tunnel right after the freeze. It took just about a month to reach harvesting size! Our salad mix is nice and tender and perfect for whipping up a winter salad. Farmer Alex loves dressing it with a homemade maple dijon vinaigrette. You can pick up some salad mix at the farm stand this weekend.

salad mix growing in the high tunnel

Remember the onion starts that we planted at the end of November? It’s already time to thin them out! Thinning out our onions allows more space for the remaining bulbs to develop and grow. The great thing about this process is that we can eat the immature onions that we remove! As you can see in the photo below, these young onions look similar to a leek but have a mellow flavor like a scallion. Farmer Alex recommends thinly slicing and sprinkling them over a bowl of ramen or using them to make onion confit.

thinning onions

In Season at the Farm Stand: Sugar Snap Peas, Rainbow Carrots, Arugula, Scallions, Lettuce, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, and Cilantro.

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