Preparing for the Live Well Health and Fitness Expo Next Weekend
We hope you’ll join us on the farm on Saturday, November 4th from 9am-12pm for the Live Well Health and Fitness Expo! Hosted in partnership with the Jordan Ranch Lifestyle Team, this event will feature 20 local vendors, live music, activities, food trucks, and of course, our Farm Stand. We’ll be offering special veggie kits and recipes at the event to inspire you to cook with our seasonal produce. This event is free of charge and open to the public so we hope to see you there!

Fall plantings continued this week as we prepared more of our beds. We were excited to direct-seed a row of snap peas in the field, and as you can see below, they’re already germinating! Just like with our bush beans, we’re able to sow both spring and fall successions of snap peas in our climate. These snap peas will take between 50-60 days to yield the first harvest. Assuming we don’t get a hard freeze before the end of the year, we should have some for you by mid-December!

In order to have a steady supply of crops throughout any given season, we seed multiple successions in the greenhouse. It’s hard to believe we’re already on our third round of fall planting! This round included scallions (one of Farmer Anna’s favorites!), spinach, kohlrabi, fennel, lettuces, and Tokyo Bekana (pictured below). All of these crops will thrive in the cooler temperatures of fall and early winter and lend delicious diversity to our harvests.

In Season at the Farm Stand: Bok Choy, Swiss Chard, Arugula, Radishes, Eggplant, and Okra
Coming Soon: Bush Beans, Kale, and Turnips.