Welcoming a New Team Member
We are pleased to introduce you to our new Farm Manager, Matt! Before he made his way to us, Matt worked at an organic farm in Southern California that sold directly to the local community through farmers markets and restaurants. After 20 years away from home, Matt decided to return to his Texas roots and move closer to family and his hometown of Spring. He is looking forward to deepening the connection of the Jordan Ranch community with the farm and growing some delicious food for you. Make sure to say hello if you see him on the farm!

Join us in wishing Reuben a fond farewell as he heads off to begin growing a farm of his own! He will miss the community and is very appreciative for all of the friends and connections he’s made over the past year at Sunset Farm. He loved being part of our first CSA program and hopes the members enjoyed their weekly farm deliveries. Best of luck Reuben and we can’t wait to see what you grow on your farm!

Long beans are in season at the Farm Stand! These lengthy beans are one of our tried and true summer crops. They have a similar flavor to green beans but with less sweetness and a more pronounced nutty flavor. Long beans are best enjoyed cooked and can be stir-fried, steamed, sautéed, or pickled. Try them in this summery potato salad or this spicy stir-fry.
In Season at the Farm Stand: Long Beans, Eggplant, Slicing Cucumbers, Pickling Cucumbers, Serrano Peppers, Jalapeno Peppers, Shishito Peppers, Poblano Peppers, Okra, Basil, and Cut Flowers (limited)
Coming Soon: Korean Melons and Summer Greens