Harvesting Green Butter Lettuce and Cilantro
The field tomatoes did not fare well in the recent freeze as to be expected but the good news is that our high tunnel tomatoes are doing great! Our high tunnel operates in a similar manner to our greenhouse. It keeps our plants much warmer than in the field during the colder months while also offering protection from wind and rain. This means we can extend the season of certain crops as it creates a more controlled environment. Thanks to the high tunnel, tomatoes are still in season at the Farm Stand!

A new lettuce variety just made its way back into season: green butter. This lettuce variety has a mild, sweet flavor with a soft buttery texture. Butter lettuce is great for making salads as dressing clings to the leaves really well. You can enjoy it on its own as a salad base or mix it with some of our other lettuce varieties, arugula, or salad mix. We recommend picking up a head or two on Saturday at the Farm Stand or any time it’s convenient for you at the Grab-and-Go coolers so you can try it in this salad recipe with a homemade honey mustard vinaigrette.

We’ve been harvesting some incredibly beautiful bunches of cilantro lately! This cool weather-loving herb is in the same family of crops as carrots, celery, and fennel. Farmer Matt loves adding chopped cilantro to rice dishes, homemade salsa, and fragrant curries for a fresh hit of its pungent and citrusy flavor. For an easy and flavor side dish, try roasting some of our carrots, beets, and radishes and pairing them with this cilantro yogurt sauce. You can find bunches of cilantro in the Grab-and-Go coolers.
In Season at the Farm Stand: Kale, Collards, Komatsuna (Asian Spinach), Bok Choy, Swiss Chard, Mustard Greens, Napa Cabbage, Cone Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Scallions, Romaine Lettuce, Butter Lettuce, Cilantro, Carrots, Beets, Radishes, Salad Mix, Arugula, Cherry Tomatoes, and Early Girl Tomatoes