Potting Up Tomatoes & Farm Volunteer Program
It’s already time to pot up our tomato transplants in the greenhouse! The “potting up” process involves removing the small seedlings from their trays and replanting them into larger pots. We try to plant them as deep as possible since the buried part of the tomato stem is able to grow additional roots. The larger pots allow for the development of a deeper and stronger root system which allows our tomato plants to be healthier and stronger. Our tomatoes will remain in the greenhouse until they are ready for transplanting in just a few short weeks.

The field dried out enough for us to do some bed prep for a late winter planting. Once all of the old crops and weeds are cleared out, we use the broadfork (below) to assist in aerating and breaking up any compactions in the soil. This makes it easier for the roots of our crops to grow and access vital water and nutrients. This next round of planting will include a variety of crops we have waiting in the greenhouse including scallions, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbages.

After a winter break, our Volunteer Program will start back up on the 22nd of this month! Every Saturday from 8:30-11am beginning on February 22nd, volunteers are invited to work with us on various farm tasks. These tasks will vary each week depending on the farm’s needs and can range from weeding to planting to harvesting. Since we are a working production farm, we ask that any volunteers that would like to attend are able to commit to the entire time slot and can arrive promptly by 8:30am. For additional details, please reach out to our Farm Team at JordanRanch@Agmenity.com.

In Season at the Farm Stand: Carrots, Beets, Salad Mix, Butter Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Komatsuna, Swiss Chard, Cone Cabbage, Bok Choy, Kale, Collard Greens, Cilantro, Scallions, Fennel, Kohlrabi, and Broccoli (limited)