
The Arrival of Summer

June 24th, 2021

It’s officially summer on the farm! That means tomatoes will be making their way out of season in the next couple of weeks and we will be focused only on crops that can thrive in our hot and humid summer weather. We were able to transplant more of our summer greens this week and we’re pretty excited about the variety that we’ll be able to offer. We’ll be growing purslane, red amaranth, Malabar spinach, and Tetragonia (New Zealand spinach). If you’re curious what some of these crops look like, the red amaranth can be seen above and the Tetragonia can be seen below.

In order to make way for more summer crops, we’ve been focused on preparing our vacant beds for planting. Since we farm predominantly with a no-till method in order to keep the soil food web intact, bed preparation always starts with a broadfork to help aerate the soil. Once we broadfork our beds and add amendments like compost and organic fertilizer, we’ll be transplanting more successions of summer crops like peppers, okra, squash, and luffa.

Have you had a chance to make it out to our farm stand yet? The farm stand (located right on the farm) is open on Wednesdays from 4-6pm and Saturdays from 10am-12pm. It provides a sustainable option within the community as you’re able to get the produce directly us which greatly reduces fossil fuel consumption. A tomato from us travels less than 50 feet before it gets to you while a tomato at a grocery store may have traveled a thousand or more miles. Also, the closest grocery store to our location is approximately 8 miles away by car! This Saturday, we’ll have the following for you at the farm stand: cherry tomatoes, slicer tomatoes, cucumbers, green bell peppers, long beans, okra, eggplant, basil, and fresh cut flower bouquets.

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