Harvesting Korean Melons and Okra
The first Korean melons of the season were harvested this week! We highly recommend popping by the Farm Stand soon so you can try one. Both the skin and flesh are edible so there’s minimal prep required when eating one. Simply cut them in half, scoop out the seeds, and you’re good to go! Farmer Anna loves the Korean melons straight from the fridge as a cold and refreshing summer snack while Farmer Reuben prefers to sprinkle slices with a dash of tajin. You can also use them in salads, sorbets, juices, and smoothies.

Okra, a beloved summer staple, is back in season this week! We have a colorful mix of green and burgundy okra for you at the Farm Stand. Since okra prefers warm temperatures, it tends to perform very well for us throughout the summer season. That means you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy it! Farmer Anna’s favorite dish to make with okra is bamya, a Mediterranean stew. She includes okra, eggplant, and tomatoes in her version. If you’d like to make your own, try this recipe.

Tomato season is fleeting so make sure to stock up the next time you’re at the Farm Stand! Due to the consistently high temperatures, tomato season will be over in the next couple of weeks. For the time being, we have limited quantities of cherry tomatoes, Caiman tomatoes, and green tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes are great for adding to salads or cooking down into a quick pasta sauce. The Caiman variety is a red slicer that works well on sandwiches, burgers, or the classic BLT. Green tomatoes make a great relish but they can also be pickled, fried, or cooked down into jam or chutney.

In Season at the Farm Stand: Korean Melons, Okra, Long Beans, Banana Peppers, Sweet Peppers, Limited Cherry and Slicing Tomatoes, Eggplant, Cousa Squash, Onions, Limited Leeks, and Cut Flower Bouquets (limited and only on Saturdays).