
Harvesting the First Hakurei Turnips of the Season

One of our favorite fall crops has made its way back into season: Hakurei turnips! Often called a “salad turnip” due to their smaller size, Hakureis have a distinctive sweet flavor. These turnips can be enjoyed both raw and cooked. We love thinly slicing them and adding them to salads but they’re also great roasted or braised. Make sure to pop by the Farm Stand this weekend so you can pick up a bunch or two to enjoy!

We are happy to report that the high tunnel is fully planted with a delicious mix of fall crops. Last week we transplanted green oak leaf lettuce, Tokyo Bekana, and another succession of Bok Choy. These are all quick growers and should be available in the next couple of weeks! We also direct-seeded scallions, beets, salad mix, and watermelon radishes. All of these crops align with the HVF (high velocity farming) system that we’re implementing in the high tunnel. Each of these varieties will ideally be ready for harvesting in about 50 days or less.

Mark your calendar for our next Farm Tour on Saturday, November 18th at 10:30am! This tour will feature the new HVF cropping system in our high tunnel. We’ll also discuss all of our new and upcoming fall crops, including our favorite Hakurei turnips. Since we think you’ll love them as much as we do, attendees will be able to enjoy turnip samples along with some other delicious fall crops. Our Farm Tours are open to the public and completely free of charge. We hope you’ll join us! 

In Season at the Farm Stand: Hakurei Turnips, Green Beans, Dill, Kale, Mustard Greens, Arugula, Swiss Chard, Bok Choy, Radish, and Eggplant.

Coming Soon: Napa Cabbage, Lettuce, and Tokyo Bekana

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