
Peppers Coming Soon!

We will have the first peppers of the season for you very soon! Our shishito peppers will come into season first, followed shortly by our sweet Escamillo peppers. Hot peppers like jalapenos, serranos, and poblanos will arrive within the next month. The shishito variety we’re growing this year (below) has a mild heat that pairs well with its grassy and citrusy flavors. These are perfect for roasting, pickling, or adding to salads and burgers. Keep an eye out for the first shishito peppers at the Farm Stand this week! 

Remember the butternut squash seeds we started in the greenhouse at the end of March? We transplanted them in the field a couple of weeks ago and are already seeing baby butternuts! As you can see below, we have the rows covered with weed fabric. Since butternuts grow low to the ground with a vining habit, this will reduce competition from weeds. This fabric is also beneficial in reducing excess moisture damage that would otherwise happen if the fruits were sitting directly on the soil. Since it takes around 100 days for this butternut variety to reach maturity, this weed fabric will be crucial in keeping our plants healthy. 

We are pleased to report that the first melons of the season were transplanted this week! Melons are always a nice treat because they will add a bit of sweetness to our summer harvests and provide a refreshing snack option on hot days. We planted two different varieties: Sugar Cube cantaloupes and Ginkaku Korean melons. Sugar Cube is a smaller, personal-sized cantaloupe with sweet, aromatic flesh. Ginkaku is a smaller oblong-shaped melon that tastes like a cross between a melon and a pear. We can’t wait to harvest these for you in the summer!

In Season at the Farm Stand: Slicing Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Kale, Collard Greens, Spring Onions, and Basil

Coming Soon: Peppers and Eggplants

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