
New Peppers at the Farm Stand

We have three new pepper varieties making their way to the Farm Stand this weekend: banana peppers, aji rico peppers, and sweet Italian peppers. Banana peppers have a sweet, mild flavor that is incredibly versatile in all manner of dishes. Farmer Matt loves these pickled! Aji rico peppers have a sweet, fruity flavor and a medium heat level. They are great for adding to stir-fries or salsas. Sweet Italian peppers are perfect for snacking and pairing with your favorite dip. We also recommend roasting them and using them to make a batch of sweet pepper romesco (recipe here). 

Our recent planting of cucurbits is doing really well and should begin producing very soon. One of the varieties we’re excited about in this succession is tromboncino, an Italian heirloom squash that can be harvested young like a summer squash or mature as a tougher-skinned winter squash. Tromboncino squash has a unique appearance similar to a butternut but with a longer neck that is often curved. We plan to harvest our tromboncinos young so that you can enjoy them just like you would zucchini. We’ll let you know as soon as they make their way to the Farm Stand! 

Did you know that we use kaolin clay as a natural “sunscreen” for some of our newly planted crops during the summer months? The leaf structure of our cucurbits (cucumbers and squashes) is more delicate so these plants benefit from a dusting of kaolin clay before being transplanted. The clay provides sun protection while also disguising the plant’s scent which detracts pests. As you can see above, our newly planted cucumbers are benefitting from this natural sunscreen! 

In Season at the Farm Stand: Long Beans, Okra, Roselle Greens, Slicing Cucumbers, Bitter Melon, Jalapenos, Serranos, Baby Poblanos, Banana Peppers, Aji Rico Peppers, and Sweet Peppers.

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