Potting Up Fall Tomatoes and Korean Melons Back in Season
Despite the consecutive 100+ degree days, our fall tomato seedlings are thriving and have already outgrown the space in their transplant trays! Since it’s still too hot to transplant our tomatoes, we are extending their life by potting them up into larger containers. This allows more room for their roots to develop and prevents them from becoming rootbound. Our fall tomato plants will remain in the protection of the greenhouse until they are ready for transplanting in a few weeks.
Korean melons are back in season at the Farm Stand! The great thing about this summer fruit is that there is minimal prep involved since both the skin and flesh are edible. Farmer Matt loves to eat Korean melons straight out of the field like an apple. They have a delicate sweet flavor and a juicy, crunchy texture that is perfect for snacking, salads, and salsas. We recommend chilling your Korean melon in the fridge for a refreshing treat on these hot summer afternoons!
The first big round of fall seeding was completed this week in the greenhouse! We sowed a whopping 45 trays of delicious fall varietals that we can’t wait to transplant and eventually harvest for you. This will be the first of many rounds of crops sown for the cooler months and is predominantly made up of leafy greens like kale, collards, and Swiss chard. We also planted cauliflower, broccoli, beets, scallions, and sunflowers. You can see some of the specific varieties we planted in the photo below!
In Season at the Farm Stand: Korean Melons, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Roselle Greens, Okra, Long Beans, Sweet Peppers, Banana Peppers, Aji Rico Peppers, Baby Poblano Peppers, Serrano Peppers, and Jalapeno Peppers
Coming Soon: Asian Eggplants and Baby Butternuts