
A Tomato Update

Since we know how much our community loves tomatoes, how about an update?! The tomatoes in the high tunnel are swiftly growing and covered in fruit. Farmer Alex estimates that it will be about 2 more weeks before we make the first cherry tomato harvest and 3-4 weeks until we harvest the first of the slicing varieties. Even though the tomatoes we planted in the field are a few weeks behind those in the high tunnel, the Sungolds are already fruiting. It looks like it’s going to be an incredibly delicious tomato season this year!

While we wait anxiously on tomatoes, one of our favorite root crops just came back into season: Hakurei turnips! Often referred to as a “salad turnip”, Hakureis can be enjoyed raw or cooked. They have a crisp yet tender texture with a flavor that is mild compared to other turnips. Hakureis are sweet and almost fruity, especially when eaten raw. Try pairing them with our kohlrabi and spring onions in this breakfast hash recipe.

Our zucchini crop is already flowering and producing fruit. Upon closer inspection, we’re pretty confident that we’ll be making the first harvest for you next week! You might notice in the photo that the zucchini has a blossom attached to the end of it. That’s because zucchini plants produce both male and female flowers on the same plant. Once pollen from the male flowers pollinates the females, the zucchini fruit begins to grow and swell until we can harvest it at about 6-8 inches in length.

In Season: Hakurei Turnips, Kohlrabi, Baby Leeks, Arugula, Bok Choy, Cabbage, Spring Onions, Radicchio, Swiss Chard, Kale, Spinach, Romaine Lettuce Heads and Mini Bibb Lettuce Heads along with Cucumber and Tomato transplants for your garden

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