The Tomatoes are Germinating!
Remember the first round of tomato seeds we planted a few weeks back? As you can see in the photo above, they’ve started to germinate! Keeping them tented in an extra layer of greenhouse film definitely helped keep them warm and happy in the greenhouse throughout the freeze. In order to make sure we have plenty of tomatoes for both the high tunnel and the field, we planted seeds for the second round last week. This planting included Jolene (a deep red beefsteak) and Juliet (a red mini-Roma variety).

A new year brings the perfect opportunity to experiment with new crops on the farm. The seeds of the first new veggie we’re trying can be seen soaking in water in the photo below. Any guesses? They’re artichoke seeds! Artichokes are an edible variety of thistle that are native to the Mediterranean. The part that we consume is the heart or inner portion of the unopened flower buds. We are incredibly excited to see how this experiment goes! Our hope is to be able to share some artichokes with you in late spring or early summer.

Since our greenhouse didn’t incur any losses during the freeze, it’s packed with plenty of veggies to plant in the field! Once we remove our frost-damaged crops and prepare our beds, we’ll be planting the next round of winter crops. This round is a colorful mix of broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, scallions, spinach, lettuces, and herbs like cilantro. Make sure to come to our free farm tour on Saturday, January 14th from 9am-noon so you can see how much progress these crops have made!

In Season at the Farm Stand: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, bok choy, hon tsai tai, beets, and watermelon radishes.
Upcoming Events:
- Free Farm Tours on Saturday, January 14th, 9am-noon