Crop Planning and Gearing up for Our Next Farm Tour
This transitional time from winter to spring is the perfect opportunity to crop plan! During these cold and rainy days, we’ve been mapping out all of the spring varietals (like cucumbers and summer squashes) that we’ll be growing as we begin to gain more daylight hours back. We’ll be focusing on a mix of tried-and-true favorites along with several experimental varieties! If you’d like to get a jump-start on your spring garden planning and are interested in growing from seed, we highly recommend checking out High Mowing Organic Seeds or Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.

A huge thank you to everyone that attended our Farm Tour in January! We had a great turn out and got to answer plenty of awesome questions. We really love these opportunities to connect with others about farming so we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! If you missed out, you can join us for our next Farm Tour on Saturday, February 11th at 10:30am. Our Farm Tours are free of charge and open to the public but we ask that children be accompanied by an adult. Looking forward to seeing you on the farm!

Radishes are making their way back into season this week just in time to add their vibrant hue and peppery snap to winter dishes! These radishes are among the quick-growing crops that we planted in the high tunnel and they only took about 30 days to reach harvesting size. How’s that for some fast food?! These radishes are perfect for eating raw but if you’d like to mellow their spicy flavor, make sure to roast, sauté, or pickle them. You can score some to enjoy at the farm stand this weekend.

Upcoming Events
- Farm Tour on Saturday, February 11th at 10:30am
- Pop-Up Farm Stand at Heights Mercantile Farmers Market on Sunday, February 12th from 9am-1pm
In Season at the Farm Stand: Radishes, Sugar Snap Peas, Rainbow Carrots, Arugula, Scallions, Lettuce, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, and Cilantro.