
Mother’s Day Bouquets and Preparing for Our Next Farm Tour

Flowers and Mother’s Day are a near perfect combo and we will have a few special bouquets available at this Saturday’s Farm Stand (while supplies last). If you can’t make it this Saturday, we invite you to come out and see them in person at our next Farm Tour on Saturday, May 20th at 10:30am! Since we’re in tomato season, we’ll be discussing all of our different tomato varieties in addition to how short their season is in our climate. You’ll also get to enjoy some samples! We hope to see you there!

Last week we planted two different specialty cucumber varieties: Mexican Sour Gherkins and Salt and Pepper cucumbers. The Mexican Sour Gherkin, sometimes called a “cucamelon”, produces small grape-sized fruits that resemble tiny watermelons with a sour cucumber flavor. If you look at the photo above, you’ll see one of the first tiny yellow blooms of this variety! Salt and Pepper cucumbers get their name from the fact that they produce white fruits with black spines. This variety yields fruits that are about 3-5 inches long with a mildly sweet flavor. We can’t wait to share these fascinating crops with you!

We’re already beginning to see the first spaghetti squashes maturing in the field! Since spaghetti squashes are grown as a storage (winter) squash, we wait to harvest them until their outer skin hardens and they turn from green to yellow. If you look at the squash in the photo above, you’ll notice that it’s in the process of turning yellow. Once harvested, spaghetti squashes have to be cured in the greenhouse in order to allow their skin to toughen up and prepare them for storage. We expect to have the first spaghetti squashes for you in about a month!

In Season at the Farm Stand: Flower Bouquets (this Saturday only!), Tomatoes, Purple Bell Peppers, Banana Peppers, Cucumbers (pickling and slicing), Summer Squashes (Zephyr, Magda, and Zucchini), Bulb Onions, Leeks, Green Garlic, Celery, Kale, Collards, Cabbage, and Beets

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