Community Market and Farm Tour
We’re gearing up for our Community Market and Farm Tour this Saturday! Our Community Market will be held alongside our farm stand from 9am-noon on Saturday, February 11th. You’ll be able to shop our delicious produce in addition to items like baked goods, pickles, and jams from vendors in our Jordan Ranch community. And, several vendors will have specialty items for Valentine’s Day! At 10:30am, we’ll be leading our monthly Farm Tour so that you can see what’s growing on the farm and ask us any questions you might have. Both the market and tour are open to the public so we hope to see you there!

We’ll have the first kohlrabi of the season for you at the farm stand this weekend! This space-age looking vegetable is a member of the Brassica family and is one of our absolute favorites to enjoy! Both the bulb and leaves of kohlrabi are edible and can be eaten raw or cooked. Kohlrabi has a crisp and crunchy texture with a flavor that tastes like a combination of broccoli and apples. Farmer Alex recommends shredding it and making a slaw with a citrusy vinegar-based dressing.

Our peppers are already germinating in the greenhouse which means spring isn’t too far over the horizon! Like tomatoes, peppers are a warm season crop. Our plan is to transplant them in the field and high tunnel in March. So far, we’ve focused on sweet/mild peppers like Carmen (an Italian frying pepper), Bangles (bite-sized snacking peppers), and Olympus (a red bell pepper). One variety that we’re particularly excited about is “Islander” because it yields purple bell peppers with pale yellow flesh.
In Season at the Farm Stand: Kohlrabi, Celery, Scallions, Sugar Snap Peas, Beets, Radishes, Turnips, Kale, Collards, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, and Cilantro.