
Implementing the Lower and Lean Method in the High Tunnel

The tomatoes in the high tunnel are swiftly growing which means it’s time to implement the lower and lean method! Each tomato plant is attached to a spool of twine suspended from a trellis wire (above). As each plant reaches the top of the tunnel, we let out slack on the spool so that we can slide it down the main trellis wire. This angles our plants, giving them more room for growth. Once we implement this method, we keep the bottom portion of our plants aggressively pruned (below) in order to allow for maximum airflow and prevent disease.

We will be harvesting the first eggplants of the season for you very soon! Our plants are just beginning to set fruit which can be seen in the photo below. Eggplants are among our lineup of tried and true summer crops that take the summer heat in stride and continue to produce throughout the very hot months. We’re growing both Asian and Italian eggplant varieties that are perfect for a multitude of culinary applications from grilling to stir-frying to roasting. We expect to have the first eggplant at the Farm Stand for you within the next week!

Farmer Reuben just planted a summer squash variety that he is really excited about: Mexicana. It produces speckled greyish-green fruits that are similar to a zucchini in appearance but have a tapered shape. Mexicana squash has tender flesh with a lovely, nutty flavor. Since squashes grow fairly quickly, we expect to begin harvesting this variety in early to mid July. We can’t wait to share it with you!

In Season at the Farm Stand: Slicing Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Serrano Peppers, Jalapeno Peppers, Shishito Peppers, Okra, Kale, and Basil

Coming Soon: Eggplants and Zucchini

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