Preparing for Our Next Farm Tour and Succession Planting
We’re always amazed at the resilience of some of our high summer crops! These 100+ degree days have been brutal but our crops are taking it in stride. If you’re curious which varietals can thrive in the summer heat, we highly encourage you to come to our next Farm Tour on Saturday, August 12th at 10:30am! We’ll spend some time talking about (and tasting!) some of our summer produce like Armenian cucumbers, okra, and Asian eggplants. You’ll also get to see the very first preparations for the Fall season. As always, our tours are open to the public and free of charge so we hope to see you!

Several weeks ago we installed a shade cloth on the High Tunnel to help keep the temperatures at a manageable level. As you can see in the photo above, our sweet peppers are still going strong! We also have a round of cucumbers and long beans growing in the High Tunnel that should be ready for harvesting within the next couple of weeks. And, we’re already in the first stages of preparing half of it for the Fall season! As much as we love summer crops, we’re definitely ready for the change in seasons.

Last week we planted some of the last successions of summer crops in the greenhouse. We started seeds for Armenian cucumbers, Dunja zucchinis, and okra. Even though we already have Armenian cucumbers and okra growing in the field, planting successions throughout the season helps to lengthen our harvest window and maintain more of a steady supply of produce. Frequent plantings are also helpful in high summer when it’s easier for our plants to become stressed.

In Season at the Farm Stand: Armenian Cucumbers, Eggplants, Korean Melons, Okra, Sweet Peppers, Serrano Peppers (limited), Jalapeno Peppers (limited), and Cut Flower Bouquets (limited and only on Saturdays).